Objective: answer 10 questions correctly. JavaScript required!
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Bulbasuar,pikachu,caterpie,squirtle,charmander Pikachu,caterpie,charmander,bulbasaur,squirtle Pikachu,caterpie,bulbasaur,charmander,squirtle None of the above
2. Misty is one the the gym leaders of what city?
Cerulean City Pallet Town Saffron City Sunny Town
3. On the game, Ivysaur evolves at what level?
Lv.47 Lv.32 Lv.21 Lv.56
4. Pokemon #100 is?
Mew Voltorb Butterfree Ditto
5. On the show, Jessie's name in the bike gang was?
Bob Jessie Cool Jess Big Jess
6. On the show, James was the only one in the bike gang who:
Could win pokemon battles Could jump the drawbribge Used training wheels All of the above
7. How many nurse joys are there?
As many as there are pokemon centers 22 65 As many as there are cities
8. On the shoe, Ash's pokemon that wouldn't obey after it evolved is:
Pikachu Krabby Charizard Squirtle
9. On the show, Ash made his first pokemon trade in:
The pokemon leauge Pallet Town The safari zone The St. Ann cruise ship
10. On the show, Ash was disappointed because he couldn't get a --answer-- from Prof. Oak for his first pokemon
Squirtle Charmander Bulbasaur Caterpie